Title: Not Lost Forever: My Story of Survival

Author: Carmina Salcido with Steve Jackson

Genre: True Crime

Published: October 6, 2009

Format: Hardcover

The story of the near-death and life of Carmina Salcido is one that will stick with me forever.

Her father Ramon Salcido murdered her grandparents, aunts, mother and two sisters on April 14, 1989 when she was just shy of three years old. He attempted to take her life as well but by the grace of God she survived and was able to overcome what she calls ‘the tragedy’ to become a strong, beautiful and inspiring woman.


After taking the lives of the rest of the family Ramon takes his three daughters to a county dump where he cuts all their throats and leaves them for dead. Tragically Carmina’s sisters Sofia and Teresa don’t make it but Carmina somehow survives solely from the way her neck was positioned which prevented her from suffocating to death. She waited 36 hours to be rescued and I truly believe she was meant to live and tell her story.What amazes me most about this book is when she discusses going to visit her father on death row years later to confront him about his horrendous acts of violence against her and her family. I can’t even begin to comprehend the strength it must have taken …..I don’t think I could have done that.


I don’t want to give too much away but the rest of her journey is pretty amazing and incredible as well. This book is one of pain and suffering but also one of courage, strength and determination to overcome her past and continue with her life.I encourage you to read this amazing story for yourself and let me know what you think!


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