When the book begins at Claire’s engagement party I immediately get the feeling that she doesn’t quite know how she got to this place in her life and isn’t completely present. During her stepfather’s embarrassing toast, he insinuates that there is a secret past that she has overcome and that they are pleased that she was able to get past such turmoil and move on with her life. It appears that her fiance does not seem to be aware of this past and you start to wonder what she is hiding.

Genre: Thriller/Fiction

Published: 2019

Format: ebook

The book discusses an old relationship between Claire and her ex, Daniel. You quickly get the sense that something untoward happened to Daniel and I couldn’t wait to find out what took place. Her fiance, Angus, finds a home that he wants her to tour before he convinces her that they should purchase it. The current owner, Mark, is motivated to sell and within moments of meeting him Claire is struck by how much he looks like Daniel. Soon after meeting Mark she begins an affair with him because she can’t seem to let go of the past. What a horrible mistake this was…..

She soon realizes that Mark and Angus are not who they claim to be. She is thrown into the middle of a dark world that spins out of control. She cannot trust anyone around her and one night the truth comes out and someone’s life is taken from them. The link between Mark, Angus and Claire’s career causes a lot of chaos and makes you realize you may not always really know the people around you. I would definitely recommend this book if you like a good thriller/mystery and twist at the end.

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