This book was incredibly inspiring to me. The is a story about World War II and a special group of women who become secret agents and risk their lives for the greater good. The book combines the past and present in such a beautiful way and also sheds some light on the bravery and selflessness of women during the war.

Genre: Historical Fiction

Published: 2019

Format: Paperback

The story mainly discusses three women: Grace, Eleanor and Marie. Grace is living in Manhattan in 1946 and comes across a abandoned suitcase full of momentos including pictures of a group of women that instantly fascinates Grace. She then discovers that the owner of the suitcase has recently passed in a tragic accident. As Grace investigates further she starts to discover that the woman’s death may not have been an accident and may have everything to do with the women in the pictures she found.

I would definitely recommend this book if you love historical fiction. This one brings together love, war, mystery and being able to overcome great tragedy in order to move on with life.

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